Institute for Planetary Renewal

A New Spiritual Planetary Economics

... a Spiritual Perspective on Economics for Planet Earth


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Golden Rules

  1. Do to others what you would have done to you.
  2. Don't do to others what you would NOT want done to you.
  3. By the law of reaction, whatever you do to another, will be done to you at some future time... unless recompense is made.

National Economics

The national debt in the United States in in 1999 was is about 5.6 trillion dollars, in 2007 it was about 9 trillion dollars, the debt in early 2013 is over 16 trillion. The amount of money in circulation is less than 2 trillion. If everyone in the nation and every business in the nation gave All THEIR MONEY to the government, still the debt could not be paid. Even given millions upon millions of years, it is impossible to pay the debt. The money that exists does not and NEVER WILL be equal to pay the debt.

Economic systems, unlike natural systems, are closed systems. This means that there is no input from outside the system. When money in introduced into an economy with usury (interest) it can never be paid because the money to pay it is not introduced from anywhere outside the system.

small ball Let's say this ball represents all the money which has been introduced into the economy. Let's say that repayment is required at 10% interest.

large ball After a few years the principle plus interest is twice the original debt. Now the amount owed is double.

But only the original amount exists as currency. Therefore, the debt can never, ever be paid. Since the debt cannot be paid, the borrower resorts to paying only the interest on the debt. If the interest can be paid, perpetual economic slavery results. This is the condition of the United States, and most other countries today. The people of the world have been tricked into economic slavery by the creators of the world-wide, usury-based banking system.

The Federal Reserve Banking system is owned by a group of international bankers, about 300 families altogether. Virtually none of the money paid in Federal taxes now goes to support the government. It goes to pay the interest on the national debt. This is why the nation cannot pay its bills nor can the states pay theirs. The country was tricked into borrowing from private bankers rather than introducing debt-free money in a constitutional way.

All governments, by the collective power of the people, have the duty and authority to create money by printing and coining it. It is the responsibility of the government to see that the money in circulation is sufficient to provide a stable mechanism for commerce. Money must be introduced into an economy interest free. Otherwise it can never, ever be paid back. Ideally it should not be paid back at all, but be used to create real wealth in the form of buildings, factories, etc. This real wealth should be owned by all the people who create it.

Nor should the governments of the world continue under the present system of perpetual debt. Governments, empowered by the people, have the right to pass the laws under which the nations choose to exist. The first law should be the elimination of usury in all its forms, and repayment to the people of as much of the usury as possible. In no other way can the financial burdens of the nations be corrected.

Limits to Wealth

As long as individuals or companies can accumulate wealth beyond their needs, an imbalance of wealth will result, with the rich growing richer and the poor growing poorer. If the condition persists, then nearly all the wealth will be owned by a very few. At present, about 95% of the wealth is owned by less than 5% of the people. Today, 250 people actually own more wealth than half the world's population combined. The 95%, who now have only 5% of the wealth, do not have the resources to manage their affairs, to carry on the commerce to provide the basics for their families. Some become homeless, unable to provide food and housing. No matter what their skills or their energy or enthusiam, if insufficient resources are available in the economy, then poverty is inevitable. This is why the current generation is so angry. There really is no hope under the present system, even though things look good on the surface at present, it is simply a "house of cards."

It is very much like a monopoly game. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If the bankers extract 10% at every round, then soon even the rich have no money because the rich can only maintain their riches if the poor can pay. Such is the structure of usury-based banking. It doesn't even matter what skill you have or how earnest you are. The game ultimately is fixed against everyone except the usurers. This is why all religions since the beginning of time forbade usury.

Therefore, there must be limits to individual wealth. No individual or company should be allowed to accumulate wealth beyond a defined maximum. This law would end the incessant greed for more wealth.

In ancient times wealthy people would stop their accumulation to pursue spiritual goals... realizing that there is more to life than money. God was known to be real, and gaining oneness with God, such as Jesus and other prophets have done, was the most worthwhile goal anyone could pursue. But today the rich mostly choose to get richer, sacrificing themselves on the alter of money. Therefore, societies should set limits to wealth so that the wealthy do not waste their lives in trivial pursuits. There have been a few notable exceptions like Andrew Carnegie who realized that his wealth was to be used to help people. He gave away his vast fortune, only keeping enough for the needs of himself and his family.

Elimination of Rental Housing

Rental of housing is simply a form of legalized theft. It requires that people pay for something which they have no share in. You may say that people have a choice to pay rent or not -- they could go buy a house -- but that is not true. The housing which they might choose to buy is already bought by the wealthy for rentals. Some individuals own dozens or hundreds of houses, thousands of apartments. In some communities over 50% of all housing is rented. This drives up the cost and competition for housing by the wealthy. Young families don't have a chance. It destroys communities when large numbers of the population see themselves as transient with no investment in the local community.

Therefore, rental of housing should be made illegal. No one should own more property than they can use themselves.

Limits to Range in Income

Is one human life worth thousands of times more than others? Are the needs of one individual thousands of times greater than the needs of another? The answer is no. Yet some people are paid thousands of times what others earn. One corporate executive is paid millions per year while workers at the bottom make $3 per hour (yes, many are paid less than "minimum wage"). This extreme range in income is immoral in principle and unnecessary in practice. While some members of society are more capable and should be paid more for the responsibility they assume, the range of income should be limited. No one should be paid more than X times the lowest. The X should be decided by the society. It could be 7, 10, 15 or whatever, but not hundreds or thousands.

Local Economic Trading Systems

Any neighborhood or community can create its own economic system. All that is needed is a small personal computer to keep track of transactions. There are even ways to make computerized tracking unnecesary. Everyone in a community has something to offer to others. Everyone needs help from others at times. The computer simply records the exchanges. The work or item you give is credited, the work or item you accept is debited. The total for the system is always zero, transactions are made without the need for government money. Limits are set on debits and credits. In this way no money is sucked out of the local economy to some far off "financial center", which would cripple the small economy.

There are numerous resources on the net regarding LETS.

Elimination of the Profit Motive and Guarantee of Income

In a profit-based economic system, only products and services with high profit potential are produced and promoted. Solutions which are low-cost or no-cost are not promoted, or even worse, discouraged or outlawed even though they may be far superior solutions.

Suppose for instance that there was a small pill which costs only a nickel to produce that would cure all diseases. In a profit-based culture it would be bought by a large pharmaceutal company and hidden away so that it would not cause a loss of profit to the company. Or it would be actively opposed through threats of violence, legal action, or falsely applied legislation created by powerful private interests. People who own or work for pharmaceutical companies would go to any lengths to preserve their income and prevent the loss of their jobs, their houses, and avoid a potential wreck to their family.

Therefore, there should be a guaranteed opportunity to create an income so that people can live without threat to their survival and so that they can make the right moral decisions without losing their income. Jobs which are displaced because of innovation would be replaced by other jobs needful to society. A guarantee of income (those who want it must work for it, if able) is the only way to ensure that the profit motive does not lead to promotion of private interests at the expense of society at large.

The profit motive also causes huge wastes of natural resources.

Suppose you make light bulbs. You can make a light bulb that lasts 1000 hours or 20,000 hours for about the same costs. For highest profit, you would make the one that lasts only 1000 hours so you could sell 20 times as many and make the most profit. This choice wastes more natural resources but gives the highest profits. So it is in many industries. Industry loves consumables and obsolescence because it generates the most revenue. Any company which tries to introduce the better, longer lasting product is bought out, destroyed through market or legal manipulation or threats, or perhaps shut down through financial or legislative means. Such is the desire for self preservation and greed for highest return on investment, highest profit.

Therefore, only limits to wealth and a guaranteed comfortable income can prevent the profit motive from destroying the environment through the waste of precious natural resources. History has shown that morality is always sacrificed for security and self preservation. To prevent this, security and self preservation must be guaranteed by the society.

Elimination of Pollution and Environmental Degradation

If one company must pay more to prevent pollution, it can't compete with another company who does not have that expense. This means for highest profit and competitiveness, pollution and environmental degradation will be greatest. Only if companies within a market must abide by equal rules, can pollution be prevented. The same is true of labor laws, wages, and hazards in the workplace. The U.S. has sticter rules than many other countries, but allows "free trade" with these other countries. U.S. companies can not be competitive in the same marketplace. Therefore companies will always move operations to those locations with the worst laws for labor, wages, hazards, and environmental purity in order to remain competitive.

To prevent this, imports of products from other countries must be outlawed for companies which do not have equal or superior rules for labor, wages, hazards, and environmental purity. Otherwise, environmental and social destruction will ensue.

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